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For 20 years, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) has been at the forefront of open access, helping libraries—and others worldwide—connect with freely available scholarly resources. DOAJ’s mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage, and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally, regardless of discipline, geography, or language. All of DOAJ’s data and metadata are freely available.

DOAJ’s data is used by almost all major discovery services and search engines, both those built for libraries and those used by the general public. This ensures that such services and search engines are easily able to include Open Access journals across the widest possible spectrum of disciplines, geographies, languages, and economies. DOAJ obtains at least 80% of its operating budget from the academic community of libraries and research organizations. By reaching out to a very broad set of libraries for relatively low levels of financial support, DOAJ can keep the cost per library for this vital part of the Open Access infrastructure as low as possible.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tristique eleifend molestie. Sed pulvinar tellus quis turpis accumsan congue. Pellentesque vitae dolor pellentesque, feugiat ipsum id, tincidunt ipsum. Fusce nec vulputate sapien. Sed nec tortor vel elit semper congue. Curabitur nec nisi in odio semper ultrices a eget urna. Nam porta euismod vestibulum. Maecenas quis odio sit amet augue semper vulputate id sed nunc. Vivamus interdum, ligula in porttitor facilisis, eros arcu scelerisque turpis, aliquam iaculis nunc risus a ligula.

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DOAJ Basic Support

DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone. Benefits for Basic DOAJ Support Acknowledgement as a DOAJ Basic Supporter on the DOAJ Supporters' webpage: The right to use the DOAJ Basic Supporter status in marketing activities The right to use the DOAJ Logo on your institution’s websites and other communications Ability to provide Supporter Feedback at Eligible to nominate and vote on candidates for DOAJ's Advisory Board and the DOAJ Council

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